This is an old post from 2002. The solution mentioned below was relevant for XHTML validation issues back then, but with modern HTML5 and current browser standards, this approach is likely outdated and unnecessary. Modern doctype declarations and browsers handle these issues much more efficiently.
So I was tying so hard to keep my portfolio XHTML valid. When i added the Lightbox++ script (which is a modified version of Lightbox) my portfolio had some errors according to the W3 standards. So after doing a little research and looking around I came to this solution.
First, the problem was that the doctype wasn’t recognizing the height and width attributes i was setting in the tag.
So here was my solution.
NOTE:Problem with this fix is that it leaves a single ‘>’ at the top of your page
One reply on “Lightbox++ vs XHTML Validation”
Isso realmente resolve, mas como eu defino uma margem de altura para ele sair do topo??