Digital Marketing

The Honest Web

As internet giants like Google and Facebook continue to redefine how they use and interpret user data, it feels like we’re at a crossroads for the future of the web. The early days of the internet were filled with excitement and promise, there was this notion that it would be a place of openness, where […]

Digital Marketing Video Post

Stop Using Pop-Ups

Rant Social Media Twitter

Is Your Twitter Run By Robots?

Looking around the Twittersphere these days begs the question “How much of people’s daily Twittering is done by Robots”?

How To Social Media Twitter

How To Stop Receiving Auto DMs

Third party services that sent out automatic direct messages to new followers were all the rage a few months back. Even still it’s a popular solution for the “lazy twitterer” hoping to snag some extra traffic for their company’s blog or website.


Filtering Twitter DMs: A Quick Fix

Setting up auto tweets, and more specifically auto DMs, at first seemed like a great luxury. I had even set my own blog up to automatically tweet new posts. As I began to use Twitter more, I found myself eventually canceling my TwitterFeed so I could personalize my posts. It also didn’t seem to make […]