
Experiment: The Instant No Button

The button came about after Scott Stratten of Unmarketing sent out a tweet asking for some quick flash work. I responded and the button was completed and sent back to Scott in a few minutes. Scott then worked his magic, slapped a cool graphic on top and created We’ve since converted the button over to […]


New To Twitter? Learn Who To Follow

My girlfriend just joined Twitter and I find myself trying to explain how to get Twitter followers. When I joined Twitter a few years ago everybody followed pretty much everyone who followed them.


Comparing Twitter Retweet Data Services

I mainly use BackTweets but am always looking for better solutions. I actually switched from TweetMeme to BackTweets once I learned about BackTweet’s advanced functionality and Google Analytics integration. But now I feel it’s time to take a look back and see where the world of Retweet counts, buttons and stats are really at.

Social Media

Get More ReTweets Out Of Your ReTweet Button

Most of the time when talking about RTs, we discuss the best times to post to Twitter and the number of characters you should be using and so on and so forth. But let’s step back a second and talk about how people RT from our blogs. Do you know how many people are RTing […]

Gen-Y Twitter

Why Should College Students Care About Twitter?

Facebook seems to be the king of social media for college students. One could easily argue that the demographics of the service support this. So why should they also care about Twitter?

Digital Marketing Social Media

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

You can save me 200 bucks? Prove it. You can design awesome WordPress themes? Where’s your portfolio? You know a lot about social media? Who have you helped? It’s not about what you say you can do, it’s about doing it.


Battle of the ReTweet Buttons

ReTweet buttons have taken social media by storm and are an easy way to encourage the sharing of your content on Twitter. There are dozens of solutions similar to the 3 buttons listed below, but these seem to be the most promising and include a “Tweet Count” on the buttons themselves.


Everything You Need To Know About Twitter Replies and Mentions

Replies set the cornerstone of Twitter’s communication capabilities. We use them every day in hopes of making new friends or keeping up with old ones.

Social Media Twitter

Tools and Tips for Answering Questions on Twitter

Probably one of the easiest ways to network on Twitter is to answer questions asked by your followers. It is also a great way to find new people to follow as well. There is a solid list of sites that help facilitate Q&A on Twitter outside of who you are following. By reaching outside your […]


Are "Social Mentions" And "Twitter Trackbacks" Just Taking Up Space?

You may have seen some of the following solutions installed on some of your favorite blogs: