Digital Marketing Web Development

5 Must-Have Features in a Business CMS

I’ve been implementing content management systems (CMS) for over two decades. One of my favorite things to do is to build websites for large businesses with complex requirements. Most of the time, not all of the time, the complexity rises from an understanding of internal processes and workflows that need to be extended to the businesses marketing technology selections.

Choosing the right content management system (CMS) is critical for businesses aiming to build an efficient and scalable web presence. While many CMS platforms offer great foundational features, large organizations need more advanced tools to manage their content, user experience and compliance effectively. In this post, we’ll explore five key features that can elevate a business CMS to new heights. While some CMS platforms are beginning to offer these capabilities, they remain rare in most systems. Additionally, we’ll discuss how WordPress, particularly with its roadmap for the future, is positioning itself to meet the evolving needs of businesses.

1. Advanced Workflow Automation and Approval Systems

Most CMS platforms offer basic workflow management, but a truly exceptional CMS should go beyond that with advanced workflow automation. This feature allows businesses to define multi-tiered approval processes for different types of content, whether it’s a blog post, product page or press release. Imagine setting automated workflows that route content for legal, marketing or management approval, with triggers that notify stakeholders when action is needed.

For large enterprises, this type of functionality can greatly reduce bottlenecks. WordPress, while known for its ease of use, is gradually enhancing workflow automation through its plugin ecosystem. Tools like PublishPress offer advanced workflows, but as WordPress continues to expand, we might see more built-in workflow management features natively integrated into the core. The ongoing improvements in the Gutenberg project hint at a future where WordPress aims to streamline content creation for large organizations, with Phase 3 focusing on collaborative editing​.

Helpful Tip
Use plugins like PublishPress to streamline your content approval process, ensuring your teams collaborate more efficiently.

2. AI-Powered Personalization for Better Engagement

In today’s landscape, users expect more personalized experiences across websites. AI-driven personalization allows businesses to tailor content based on user behavior, preferences and even real-time interactions. The benefits are clear: dynamic content that adjusts to individual users keeps engagement high, increases conversions and improves overall customer satisfaction.

Many enterprise CMS platforms, like Sitecore and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), have built-in AI-powered personalization tools. These systems leverage machine learning to analyze user data, helping businesses serve personalized content without manual intervention. However, personalization doesn’t always need to rely on direct data collection within the CMS itself.

Platforms like BlueConic provide an alternative approach, allowing businesses to manage user data, segmentation and personalization through an external system. BlueConic can connect to various CMS platforms, including WordPress, to personalize experiences based on external data streams. Similarly, tools like Maxymiser have used machine learning to automatically segment users and deliver relevant on-site experiences. By integrating these external tools, businesses can achieve personalized experiences without storing or managing personal data directly within the CMS.

This flexibility brings us to the ongoing debate between monolithic solutions versus “roll-your-own” systems using independent service providers. A monolithic platform like Sitecore may bundle everything in one place, offering seamless integration and a single management interface. On the other hand, rolling your own solution by connecting best-in-class tools for AI, personalization and analytics, while requiring more setup, can offer more tailored and advanced functionality that fits your business needs.

For example, with WordPress, you can choose to integrate external personalization tools like BlueConic to provide a more sophisticated and adaptable user experience, without being locked into a single vendor’s ecosystem. This approach gives you greater flexibility in managing data and evolving the personalization strategy as your business grows.

Helpful Tip
Consider external platforms like BlueConic or Maxymiser to personalize your website without needing to store personal data within your CMS, providing flexibility and powerful segmentation options.

3. Omnichannel Content Distribution

A standout CMS for large businesses needs to support omnichannel content distribution, allowing content to be managed and published across multiple platforms, websites, apps, social media and even in-store digital displays. This is essential for brands with a global presence or those managing complex marketing campaigns. The ability to schedule content distribution for different channels, ensure consistency across platforms and optimize for each is crucial.

While most CMS platforms focus on managing website content, WordPress is evolving into an omnichannel hub through integrations with API-first systems and the rise of headless WordPress. Plugins like WPGraphQL enable seamless integration with mobile apps and third-party systems. Looking ahead, as WordPress enhances its core to support more sophisticated content strategies, it could become a more formidable player in the omnichannel world.

Helpful Tip
Leverage WordPress’s growing headless CMS capabilities, such as WPGraphQL, to distribute content to apps, IoT devices and other platforms efficiently.

4. Built-In Data Governance and Compliance Management

For businesses operating in regulated industries, data governance and compliance management are non-negotiable. A CMS with these capabilities can help ensure adherence to global privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA by flagging non-compliant content or enforcing data management policies.

While some platforms, like AEM, offer built-in compliance workflows, WordPress has yet to fully integrate these capabilities into its core. However, through plugins like Complianz for privacy compliance and WP Activity Log for tracking user actions, WordPress can still serve as a solid choice for businesses looking to manage compliance. As WordPress pushes forward with its plans for multilingual and data liberation features, businesses can expect more tools that make it easier to adhere to regulations across regions​.

Helpful Tip
Consider using Complianz to ensure your WordPress site is fully compliant with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

5. Multisite and Global Content Management with Localization

For global businesses, multisite management and localization are essential. A strong CMS should allow for the management of multiple regional or language-specific sites from a single dashboard. It should also support automatic translation, localized SEO and customized content for different regions, all while maintaining brand consistency.

Platforms like Sitecore and AEM excel in this area, but WordPress, with its multisite capabilities and plugins like WPML or Polylang, is equally equipped to handle these challenges. WordPress’s roadmap, particularly its focus on multilingual capabilities, signals that it aims to simplify this process even further, making it a more attractive option for large, international businesses​.

Helpful Tip
Use WordPress’s multisite functionality to manage different regional versions of your website, ensuring consistent branding with localized content.


For businesses aiming to scale, a CMS that offers advanced workflow automation, AI-driven personalization, omnichannel content distribution, data governance tools and multisite localization can transform how they manage and deliver content. While platforms like Adobe Experience Manager and Sitecore are leaders in these areas, WordPress is rapidly evolving to meet the needs of larger enterprises. With future enhancements focused on collaboration, personalization and multilingual support, WordPress continues to be a viable and increasingly powerful option for businesses of all sizes.

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