Video Post WordPress

Panel Discussion: WordPress Development Process

People are still buzzing about this year’s Boston WordCamp. The organizers did an amazing job and their were a ton of excellent talks. This year I jumped in on a last minute panel discussion about WordPress development process. It was a great panel with a very diverse background. I was most interested to hear how […]

Themes Web Development WordPress

WordPress Starter Themes and Development Tips

WordPress starter themes are themes that include the bare minimum needed to start building out a new theme. For this reason I usually call them WordPress developer theme frameworks. They exist to help jump-start the development process on new sites.

Social Media

Did WordPress Do That?

WordPress is tremendously powerful, mostly because of its enthusiastic community. I’m constantly surprised at how many people still think WordPress is just for blogging. Check out this pie chart that shows CMS distribution across thousands of websites. WordPress is easily the most popular. What I thought was even cooler was that WordPress did a survey […]


Keeping Up With WordPress

There are tons of ways to keep up with developments in the WordPress community. In this post I wanted to share some of my favorite sources of information when it comes to WordPress.

Themes Web Development WordPress

WordPress and Shortcodes

I gave a talk the other night at the Boston WordPress meetup about how I use shortcodes to enable my clients to create better looking content.

Web Development WordPress

14 WordPress Page Templates To Make Life Easier

I just finished writing a newsletter about WordPress page templates and how businesses could leverage them to create better content. In the email, I brainstorm about a few templates I think themes should be taking advantage of.

Digital Marketing Plugins WordPress

Introducing Socialize 2.0

Almost 10 months after I was able to get Socialize 1.0 out we can now move on to Socialize 2.0. This release is a major rewrite of the plugin code to reduce the number of calls to the database and increase the plugin’s flexibility.

Plugins Web Development WordPress

13 Plugins Your WordPress Site Might Need

There are thousands of plugins in the WordPress Plugin directory. These are 13 plugins I seem to revisit the most often and recommend to clients and friends.

Plugins WordPress

7 WordPress Plugins That Add Functionality To Your Dashboard

There are thousands of great plugins to help modify your WordPress installation in almost any way imaginable. I wanted to focus a bit more on those plugins that took advantage of the WordPress dashboard to bring information and functionality to a page that sometimes doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

Themes WordPress

Where To Find Awesome WordPress Themes

These are my favorite places to find WordPress themes. I find I am often pointing people to these sites based on which list I think suits them best. I thought it was about time I collected my thoughts in a blog post and shared all of these great lists with the world.