How To Plugins Video Post

What Is The Socialize Plugin?

I’ve decided to stop maintaining Socialize as the way we share content has evolved. With built-in browser sharing and a demand for more control, on-site social bookmarking buttons have become outdated. Check out this post for more details on why it’s time to say goodbye to Socialize.

Thank You for all of your support throughout the years!

Looks like we’ve hit a bit of a time warp! The original content for this post has been lost to the digital abyss because the service I used to host the video is no longer live (and, well, I may have totally forgotten I had videos there). It’s like losing a sock in the dryer, but way less satisfying.

3 replies on “What Is The Socialize Plugin?”

I installed the Socialized plugin, but can’t get it to show the buttons. My WP site has been customize so usually have to put code in the php single post file to call the function. What is the php code to call Socialize?


This is an incredibly awesome tool! I promise to donate as soon as I am not so poor. Thank you so much for taking all of time to develop this and to maintain it. I know what it takes to take on such an endeavor, and to provide this as a free tool is incredibly generous of you.

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