I am often assigned the task of showing our clients how we use social media as a tool to communicate with others in our industry in real time. I begin with my whole spiel about how Twitter works and how people find us etc.
Category: Twitter
If you haven’t checked out my Twitter Starter Page, you might want to go ahead and do that before reading this post. You have to have a pretty basic understanding of how to use Twitter before you can really start using it effectively.
Micro-Blogging Overview
Jon Bishop on Twitter
Are Twitter Friend Adders Okay?
So with the launch of TwitterAdder and Twitter Adder for Firefox everyone is in a stir talking about how there is finally an easy way to add friends. What do I think of this new awesome service, um, not so awesome. I feel as if it kind of defeats the purpose of Twitter and if […]
Plurk vs Twitter
In case Twitter wasn’t taking up enough of your time, there is a new guy on the block, all blinged out in Ajax, looking for a little attention. I have to say, Plurk is a pretty cool Twitter clone. It allows all of the basic features of Twitter and then its spiced up a bit.
About two weeks back I posted a survey “Why do you or don’t you use Twitter?”. It was interesting to see how people responded.
Twitter 101
Everything you need to know about Twitter in as short of a post as possible.