WordPress starter themes are themes that include the bare minimum needed to start building out a new theme. For this reason I usually call them WordPress developer theme frameworks. They exist to help jump-start the development process on new sites.

WordPress starter themes are themes that include the bare minimum needed to start building out a new theme. For this reason I usually call them WordPress developer theme frameworks. They exist to help jump-start the development process on new sites.
I gave a talk the other night at the Boston WordPress meetup about how I use shortcodes to enable my clients to create better looking content. A problem I was having was people were paying me to set them up on WordPress so they can take control of their content and then they were paying […]
These are my favorite places to find WordPress themes. I find I am often pointing people to these sites based on which list I think suits them best. I thought it was about time I collected my thoughts in a blog post and shared all of these great lists with the world.
Converting an XHTML or HTML template into a WordPress theme is still a common task for developers, though the process has evolved with WordPress updates. This guide will walk you through modern best practices for converting a static HTML template into a fully functioning WordPress theme, considering WordPress 6.x and beyond. What You Need The […]
Awhile back I decided to start posting videos on my blog. Once I had a few videos up I began to rethink my approach. Ultimately I wanted to prevent videos from showing up where normal posts are displayed and instead display my most recent video in the sidebar.