Blogging How To Themes WordPress

Creating A Video Section On Your WordPress Blog

Awhile back I decided to start posting videos on my blog. Once I had a few videos up I began to rethink my approach. Ultimately I wanted to prevent videos from showing up where normal posts are displayed and instead display my most recent video in the sidebar.

Blogging How To WordPress

How To Speed Up Your WordPress Blog

A fast WordPress site is critical for user experience, SEO, and overall site performance. Over time, outdated methods for speeding up your WordPress blog can slow your site down, so here’s a revamped guide to improving your WordPress performance in 2024. 1. Run Performance Tests First Before diving into optimizations, you need a clear picture […]

Plugins WordPress

13 WordPress Plugins You Need To Know Exist

There are over 6000 plugins in the WordPress Plugin directory. Some are broken and others are just not worth your time. However, you should at least know about these 13 as they are either the most sought after or provide much needed functionality to WordPress.


Do We Even Need FeedBurner Anymore?

I’ve been thinking a lot about FeedBurner’s new changes where it includes FriendFeed subscribers in its total subscriber count. Unless FeedBurner removes this new feature, subscriber stats may be flawed forever. I don’t want to bore you with all the reasons why this is a bad idea, so instead I’m just going to say I […]

Blogging Social Media

27 Excellent Free Social Media Icons Sets

In a previous post I talked about how to increase the viral potential of your content with more actionable bookmarking and sharing buttons. Now here is a list of cool custom bookmarking and sharing buttons you can use on your blog that are sure to attract more bookmarks and shares.

Blogging Digital Marketing Social Media

Increase Viral Potential With Actionable Bookmarking and Sharing Buttons

One of the first things most people do with their new blogs is install some sort of plugin to help facilitate the sharing of their posts. Thoughts of Twitter obsessively retweeting your content begin to float through your mind and let’s not forget the ridiculous amount of traffic you’re gonna be getting from Digg.

Blogging Plugins Twitter WordPress

7 Awesome Twitter Plugins for WordPress

TweetSuite TweetSuite is an excellent plugin developed by ‘social & viral marketing scientist’ Dan Zarrella. It started off as a plugin that returned all ReTweets of a post and has turned into a complete Twitter/Wordpress solution.

Blogging Plugins Rant Web Development WordPress

Woah! I Can't Read Your WordPress Blog

I’ve made this mistake in the past and it may have cost me a few readers. People get trigger happy with their plugins and readers can’t get to the content.

Free Plugins Social Media Twitter

Introducing Commentwitter

The other day I was thinking that it would be great if Twitter could be used as a communications platform for discussions around blog posts. I mean we already do this but lack organization. We all know organization isn’t Twitter’s strong suit.

Blogging Twitter

How Twitter Will Integrate With Blogs in 2009

I’ve been hearing a lot of hubbub about how Twitter will change Blog design and layout in 2009. I personally think that list is already a bit dated but could be a great resource for someone trying to catch up. I want to look forward a little bit and start thinking about how Twitter might […]