Blogging How To Social Media Web Development WordPress

Posting Attractive Blog Posts – Back To Basics

Most bloggers stick to paragraphs and an image or two when writing new posts. This is fine for some however you may want to broaden your horizons and learn more about the potential WordPress and its HTML counterparts have to offer.

How To Plugins Video Post

What Is The Socialize Plugin?

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Digital Marketing Plugins Social Media WordPress

Socialize Goes 1.0

It has been a long time since I last updated the socialize plugin. I made small updates here and there to fix some of the more common problems people were having but I never got around to making all the enhancements that had been requested. Well here it is, I’ve addressed every issue presented to me in […]

How To Themes Web Development WordPress

How To Convert an XHTML Website Template into a WordPress Theme

So you have an XHTML valid website template and you would like to put it on top of WordPress. Whether you are starting from scratch or moving your existing website to WordPress as a CMS, this guide will help you get the conversion done.

Plugins WordPress

Thesis & WordPress Plugins

As I submerse myself more and more into the world of Thesis from DIYthemes, I am gaining a huge appreciation for all of the enhancements it provides to the WordPress platform. Furthermore, I have developed a new found appreciation for developers who have taken the time to create WordPress plugins that integrate easily with the […]

Blogging Web Development WordPress

WordPress As a CMS

Rather than reinvent the wheel here I’m going to share some articles I both agree with and have found helpful in the past. WordPress is extremely powerful in its simplicity but is made more powerful by its loyal users. The future of this platform is very exciting as we stretch the possibilities of traditional websites.

Plugins WordPress

31 WordPress CMS Plugins

WordPress is what you make of it. For some it is a simple blogging platform no different than Tumblr or Blogger. For others it is an all inclusive content management system for their corporate website. Developers continue to recommend WordPress as a CMS because of all the extended functionality contributed by the community as well as it’s raw simplicity.


Tailoring Your Blog To Your Readers

Ever stop to think about who is reading your blog? No one knows your readers better than you, so what are you doing about it? Your blog should really evolve right along side you. A few things to consider as you learn more about your readers are:

Blogging How To Themes WordPress

Creating A Video Section On Your WordPress Blog

Awhile back I decided to start posting videos on my blog. Once I had a few videos up I began to rethink my approach. Ultimately I wanted to prevent videos from showing up where normal posts are displayed and instead display my most recent video in the sidebar.

Blogging Themes WordPress

Why Is Thesis Such A Great Premium WordPress Theme?

There are 3 main reasons I love Thesis and why I use it for my blog; SEO Awesome Layout It’s constantly being optimized