It’s extremely important to monitor and measure your influence in social media however some of the premium tools out there might be a little beyond your financial reach. Good thing there are plenty of free tools you can mix and match to meet your own personal goals.
Category: Social Media
I’ve become a huge social media geek throughout the years so you might have seen me at a local meetup or taking your spot as mayor of your favorite coffee shop.
You may have seen some of the following solutions installed on some of your favorite blogs:
Do We Even Need FeedBurner Anymore?
I’ve been thinking a lot about FeedBurner’s new changes where it includes FriendFeed subscribers in its total subscriber count. Unless FeedBurner removes this new feature, subscriber stats may be flawed forever. I don’t want to bore you with all the reasons why this is a bad idea, so instead I’m just going to say I […]
In a previous post I talked about how to increase the viral potential of your content with more actionable bookmarking and sharing buttons. Now here is a list of cool custom bookmarking and sharing buttons you can use on your blog that are sure to attract more bookmarks and shares.
One of the first things most people do with their new blogs is install some sort of plugin to help facilitate the sharing of their posts. Thoughts of Twitter obsessively retweeting your content begin to float through your mind and let’s not forget the ridiculous amount of traffic you’re gonna be getting from Digg.
Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
One problem I see in social media is the lack of transparency behind our thoughts and ideas. It’s completely understandable because we are dealing with small amounts of information of which we need to extrapolate the entire message. You can’t properly gauge the tone of someones voice or even measure their response by any reasonable […]
I seem to find myself digging for great Twitter analogies when faced with the paradox of explaining Twitter to a friend. You would think that something so simple would be easy to explain, yet somehow people are still dumbfounded by its purpose.
Get Your Hands Dirty

Sometimes you have to go beyond your normal limits and explore unknown social media territory.
6 ReTweet Monitoring Tools
Retweeting has become a great way to find quality information through Twitter. New, more advanced, Twitter monitoring tools have made it easier to drown out a lot of the noise and focus on the quality posts being shared. It’s not fool proof as popularity and quality battle for the number one spots. You’ll almost always […]
Why Do You Use Social Media?
I set up my Facebook account in September of 2004. I remember everyone was talking about it. The timing was perfect as it was my first time out on my own and I was desperate to meet people. It instantly became the go to solution to find out who that cute girl in my math […]