Here’s another effect using AS3 to make fog with source files below.
This is my first attempt at creating a realistic flame effect in Actionscript 3.0 so be gentle.
Google Maps is one of the most widely used online direction services on the web. That being said, have you checked your company’s listing on Google maps recently. In Google Maps’ Local Business Center you can manage your company’s address, services, image and much more. It also boosted my company’s site up on the local […]
Google Docs for Desktop
So while wandering around the Print OnDemand Expo in Boston I bumped into a small Google booth. So in conversation I was told that Google will be releasing a desktop version of Google Documents and Spreadsheets. Furthermore, they said you can expect to see a new link showing up on your Gmail page…
So its no news that a personalized landing page as a response portal to any kind of direct marketing campaign can increase response rates dramatically, but where’s the next step up?
Can search engines read flash? A lot of people think that because flash is a program running on a website, it cannot be read by search engines. This is true to some extant however that does not mean there aren’t methods to make your flash movies Search Engine friendly. In fact Google CAN index your […]
SEO for the Non-Techies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not tech-savvy. But don’t worry—whether you’re a small business owner, a freelancer, or someone managing your own blog, understanding the basics of SEO can make a significant difference in how people find you online. Google remains the most popular search engine, and optimizing for Google […]
So i wanted to add the little icon next to my URL in the address bar so i went on a hunt for the easiest solution (kinda counter-productive as i could have just downloaded a program however I so love to find new SAAS apps online). So i finally ran across this site. This was […]
Lightbox++ vs XHTML Validation
This is an old post from 2002. The solution mentioned below was relevant for XHTML validation issues back then, but with modern HTML5 and current browser standards, this approach is likely outdated and unnecessary. Modern doctype declarations and browsers handle these issues much more efficiently. So I was tying so hard to keep my portfolio […]
5 Cool Flash Tricks
These are some of my favorite tricks Ive learned throughout the years in flash. Granted Ive never had a use for some of them and others only kinda half work. Nonetheless i think they’re pretty cool do here it goes.