How To Social Media Twitter

Who Are You Following on Twitter?

I talked a little about my Twitter following strategy back in a previous post but I wanted to expand a bit.

Blogging Plugins Rant Web Development WordPress

Woah! I Can't Read Your WordPress Blog

I’ve made this mistake in the past and it may have cost me a few readers. People get trigger happy with their plugins and readers can’t get to the content.

Rant Social Media Twitter

Is Your Twitter Run By Robots?

Looking around the Twittersphere these days begs the question “How much of people’s daily Twittering is done by Robots”?

Digital Marketing How To Social Media Twitter

My TweetGrid

I love talking to people about the tools they are using to efficiently track conversations in social media. Everybody has there own methods they’ve developed over time and their own goals they wish to achieve.

How To Social Media Twitter

Twitter Metrics

Twitter is a fast-moving platform, but measuring your success on it can sometimes feel like trying to catch smoke. Luckily, there are clear metrics you can track to gauge how well you’re doing and understand how your content resonates with your audience. By focusing on the right data points, you can fine-tune your strategy, improve […]

Free Plugins Social Media Twitter

Introducing Commentwitter

The other day I was thinking that it would be great if Twitter could be used as a communications platform for discussions around blog posts. I mean we already do this but lack organization. We all know organization isn’t Twitter’s strong suit.

How To Social Media Twitter

Rules of the Retweet

The ReTweet plays a pivotal role in the viral capabilities of Twitter. I’m not going to get into all the viral sciences of Twitter because Dan Zarrella is already doing that. Instead I want to discuss some basic simple rules that can encourage the ReTweeting of your Tweets.

Digital Marketing Variable Video

PVideos on Valentine's Day

This is a variable video that was going around on Valentine’s Day. I love the video itself however the implementation leaves much to be desired (an embed link, smoother video, better acting). However, the end effect compensates for it’s shortcomings.

How To Social Media Twitter

How To Stop Receiving Auto DMs

Third party services that sent out automatic direct messages to new followers were all the rage a few months back. Even still it’s a popular solution for the “lazy twitterer” hoping to snag some extra traffic for their company’s blog or website.

Brazen Careerist Rant Social Media Twitter

Breaking Social Media Barriers

I think one of the things holding back Twitter from going “mainstream” is the fact that it’s so open and public. I was browsing through some blogs the other day and found a comment that read: … Twitter is like a crowded room where everyone is yelling over each other …