Digital Marketing Web Development

Opening Links In A New Window

There’s a common debate among web developers and UX designers: when is it appropriate for links to open in a new window or tab? Some argue it enhances user experience by preventing them from losing their place. Others say it’s intrusive, forcing behavior that should remain under the user’s control. Personally, I believe links should […]

Blogging Web Development WordPress

WordPress As a CMS

Rather than reinvent the wheel here I’m going to share some articles I both agree with and have found helpful in the past. WordPress is extremely powerful in its simplicity but is made more powerful by its loyal users. The future of this platform is very exciting as we stretch the possibilities of traditional websites.

Plugins WordPress

31 WordPress CMS Plugins

WordPress is what you make of it. For some it is a simple blogging platform no different than Tumblr or Blogger. For others it is an all inclusive content management system for their corporate website. Developers continue to recommend WordPress as a CMS because of all the extended functionality contributed by the community as well as it’s raw simplicity.


Tailoring Your Blog To Your Readers

Ever stop to think about who is reading your blog? No one knows your readers better than you, so what are you doing about it? Your blog should really evolve right along side you. A few things to consider as you learn more about your readers are:

Blogging How To Themes WordPress

Creating A Video Section On Your WordPress Blog

Awhile back I decided to start posting videos on my blog. Once I had a few videos up I began to rethink my approach. Ultimately I wanted to prevent videos from showing up where normal posts are displayed and instead display my most recent video in the sidebar.

Gen-Y Twitter

Why Should College Students Care About Twitter?

Facebook seems to be the king of social media for college students. One could easily argue that the demographics of the service support this. So why should they also care about Twitter?


Where's The Line Between Opinion and Judgment?

In today’s social media landscape, the distinction between sharing an opinion and passing judgment has become more crucial than ever. Misunderstandings are common, and someone sharing a personal thought can quickly be labeled as “judgmental.” But where exactly do we draw the line? What separates a thoughtful opinion from a definitive judgment? Understanding this distinction […]

Gen-Y Rant

Facebook Privacy And The Work/Life Balance

One of my posts about Facebook privacy was featured on Brazen Careerist and I think it brought forth some interesting discussion. There are those among us who believe my generation is a little out of hand with their Facebook usage.

Gen-Y Rant

Please Control Your Facebook Image

It seems like a majority of Gen-Y still doesn’t understand how to maintain their public image. Just because you’ve created a LinkedIn account for your boss to check out, does not mean he’s going to overlook your party pics on Facebook. We’re smarter than this.

Digital Marketing Video Post

Stop Using Pop-Ups

Imagine you’re walking down the street, heading to your favorite coffee shop. Suddenly, someone jumps in front of you, blocking your path, and starts pitching a product. You didn’t ask for it, and now you’re irritated because your flow was disrupted. That’s exactly what popups do to users on a website. Popups might offer short-term […]